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Elusive People
Confirmation of immigration - Wladislaw Kosinski We have found through several census records and his actual immigration paperwork submitted to the court in Erie that Wladislaw immigrated to the United States arriving in New York 16 Feb 1907 aboard the SS Graf Waldersee as Wladislaw Kuschinski. He departed Hamburg Germany 02 Feb 1907.
We have also found that he had siblings that were twins who migrated to the mid-west in the Grand Rapids area. They were his sister Bernice Kosinski Sierputowicz and his brother Stanley Kosinski.
If you have any information concerning Wladislaw, his siblings or his parents please email us!
Tell us what you know | More information: Wladislaw KOSINSKI
Frank Pierce Marsh We have a copy of Frank Pierce Marsh's death certificate which names his father (Andrew Marsh). We are now looking for his mother. We are also looking trying to find the parents of Andrew Marsh.
Tell us what you know | More information: Frank Pierce MARSH
Szesciorka - A Family Cloaked in Mystery Ann M Szesciorka was Mark's paternal Grand-Mother. Sometime after 1932 Ann and Wallace (the grand-parents) were divorced. From that marriage Mark's father Wallace and Aunt Joan Delorace (Dolly) were born. After the divorce Wallace (Mark's father) remained with his father and Joan Delores remained with her mother (Ann). Ann and Joan Delores traveled west first stopping in Minnesota and then moving to Idaho. Joan married a man by the name of John Prior. I have had the privilege of speaking to Joan Delores's former daughter in law through messaging on Ancestry.
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